A wig, flairs, and a fake moustache, and Mad Dog Malcolm Cummings was born. The creation of Australian comedian, Gerry Masi, Mad Dog is part crooner, part playboy, with a light splattering of sleaze. Together, he’s a hilarious 1970s character, that is all too familiar.
In this Hard Knock Knocks podcast episode, host Morry Morgan talks to comedian Gerry Masi about call backs, one liners, getting away with ‘inappropriate’ humour, his band Lucifer’s Lounge, and being a comedian in based in Adelaide.
If you’re a lover of character comedy, like Elliot Goblet, Bob Down, and Helen Bidou, then you’ll love this interview with the comedic and musically talented Gerry Masi.
And if you’d like to give stand-up comedy a try yourself, then be sure to sign up to the next Hard Knock Knocks stand-up comedy course.
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