Australian comedian Mickey D, aka Mick Dwyer, was a broke 17 year old when he stepped up on stage at Raw Comedy. Since then, he’s toured the world, conquering the UK, and been trained by the SAS. Mick is one dangerous comedian.
In this Knock Knocks podcast, host Steve Davis talks to comedian Mickey D about how he energises a room, and how being exhausted helped him find his Liverpool voice. You’ll also find out whether stand-up comedy is more challenging than training with the SAS, how to be a performer and parent, and advice for up and coming stand-up comedians.
And if you’re interested in trying stand-up comedy, the Hard Knock Knocks runs stand-up comedy courses in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for upcoming courses.
Or join the Hard Knock Knocks Community and stay abreast of all things Australian and comedy. Members include veteran comedians, graduates of the Hard Knock Knocks, and those sitting on the edges eager to give stand-up a go, but mustering up the courage. Maybe that’s you?!
Comments 1
Mickey ‘D’ was good to listen too… thanks