“When you’ve got someone laughing, you’ve got them agreeing with you, whether they know it or not.” So says The Onion‘s Scott Dikkers, founder of quite possibly the world’s most famous satirical publication.
In this Hard Knock Knocks podcast, host Steve Davis chats with The Onion’s Scott Dikkers, about the serendipity of cheap paper, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable, taboos, and accepting criticism, all while being a benevolent dictator. Scott also talks about his new book, ‘How to Write Funny.’
If you love writing satire, enjoy reading satire, or have ever laughed, then you’ll enjoy this interview with Scott Dikkers.
And if you’d like to kick start your own stand-up comedy career, then be sure to join the Hard Knock Knocks’ upcoming stand-up comedy courses in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. Courses run from Sunday to Thursday, 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Graduates are invited to perform at the Adelaide Fringe as well as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, as part of the Hard Knock Knocks’ production, ‘The Best Of’. Best of all, all of our graduates are paid to perform. Follow us on social media, or contact us today.
What did you think of this episode? Leave a voice mail message and we’ll include your comments in our future podcasts!
Comments 1
Great interview! Have learned sooo much from Scott’s publications. So generous in sharing his knowledge and thoroughly entertaining. Forever indebted to Jo Willmott for introducing me to his work.