Some of the Australia’s funniest stand-up comedians coach the Hard Knock Knocks comedy courses around Australia. Actually, that’s not entirely true. We also have funny Brits (Jeff Green and Glynn Nicholas), Japanese (Mayumi Nobetsu) and did you know that Greg Fleet is actually an American?! These hilarious comics provide advice, give feedback, and share their comedic journeys. They also perform …
082: Cam Knight – Wistful wisdom and pissing in dishwashers
What are the ingredients to become a stand-up comedian? For Australian comedian Cam Knight it was larrikinism, peer group pressure, and The Life of Brian. In this Hard Knock Knocks podcast, host Steve Davis talks to comedian and actor Cam Knight about his city-hopping comedy career, butterfly gags, and performing at the Sydney Opera House. Cam also talks about the …