Lights, Camera, Comedy

Lights, Camera, Comedy: Why stand-up comedy could lead to a career in Hollywood

Stand-up comedy can be a stepping stone to a career in Hollywood. Many comedic actors have started out performing stand-up comedy before making it big on the silver screen – take for example Jim Carrey, Sarah Silverman, or even our own Eric Bana. In this post we look at how the world of stand-up comedy can open doors and pave …

How scripted is stand-up comedy?

How scripted is stand-up comedy?

Spoiler alert! Stand-up comedy is as scripted as a movie. Which is probably why so many stand-up comedians have migrated into TV and movie roles. Just take Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Australia’s own Eric Bana and more recently Celia Pacquola. All performed on stage before they moved to screen. And the similarity between stand-up and movies doesn’t end there. Academy …

Why Zombies are Funny

FIRST THERE WAS ‘SHAUN OF THE DEAD’. Up until then zombies were only grotesque, not hilarious. But Simon Pegg and Nick Frost changed the rules proving that zombies could be slap-stick, while you slapped them over the head with a stick, or a baseball bat. You get my meaning. Now’s there’s Australian ‘Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse‘. Much like …