Delhi Buoy, the comedic alias of Indian-born South Australian, Chetan Singh, took out Runners Up at the Raw Comedy National Finals at the 2022 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Alexandra Hudson from New South Wales and Bron Lewis from Queensland were awarded joint-winners. The double act was a Raw Comedy first. He may not have taken gold, but it was a …
072: Marc Ryan – Bogans and Raw Comedy
Australian comedian Marc Ryan is a self diagnosed bogan. He’s also a State winner, and national finalist of Raw Comedy. And through his success, Marc has been able to go full time – although not without some serious thought. In this Hard Knock Knocks podcast, host Morry Morgan and comedian Marc Ryan discuss Raw Comedy, building a comedy career, supportive …
067: Gerry Masi – Character comedy with Mad Dog Malcolm
A wig, flairs, and a fake moustache, and Mad Dog Malcolm Cummings was born. The creation of Australian comedian, Gerry Masi, Mad Dog is part crooner, part playboy, with a light splattering of sleaze. Together, he’s a hilarious 1970s character, that is all too familiar. In this Hard Knock Knocks podcast episode, host Morry Morgan talks to comedian Gerry Masi …