Some of the Australia’s funniest stand-up comedians coach the Hard Knock Knocks comedy courses around Australia. Actually, that’s not entirely true. We also have funny Brits (Jeff Green and Glynn Nicholas), Japanese (Mayumi Nobetsu) and did you know that Greg Fleet is actually an American?! These hilarious comics provide advice, give feedback, and share their comedic journeys. They also perform …
Community funds comedy drama about learning stand-up
One part comedy, one part drama, and one part documentary, the Hard Knock Knocks comedy school has launched episode one and two of ‘Is This Thing On?‘, a show about learning stand-up comedy. The brainchild of the Hard Knock Knocks Comedy School co-founder, Morry Morgan, and partly funded by the Hard Knock Knocks alumni, this six-part, 30-minute TV show transforms …
017: Mayumi Nobetsu – From Monty Python to the MICF
Language, geography, gender and culture couldn’t stop Mayumi Nobetsu reach her comedy dream.