Five qualities of a successful stand-up comedian

5 qualities of a successful stand-up comedian

The Hard Knock Knocks comedy school is now in its ninth year. Since it’s founding in 2016, over 700 bucket list tickers, key note speakers and comedians of the future have completed our five night comedy course. Many graduates have gone on to win comedy competitions, including Raw Comedy, and even become full time professional comedians. With so many alumni, …

open mic versus curated comedy rooms

The difference between open mic and curated comedy rooms

Developing your comedy career requires a commitment to stage time. The Hard Knock Knocks comedy school is first to say rehearsal is vital to a successful comedy career. That’s why we encourage our graduates to produce their own comedy rooms. So what’s the difference between open mic and curated comedy rooms, and just as importantly, how do you get gigs? …

How can I learn stand-up comedy?

How can I learn stand-up comedy?

If you’re wondering “how can I learn stand-up comedy?”, then take a leaf out of Jeff Green and Eddie Izzard’s book. Both kicked off their stand-up comedy careers by attending a stand-up comedy course in London. Whoopy Goldberg got coached by comedy school trainer, Greg Dean. And Hard Knock Knocks resident comedy coach, Brad Oakes, has coached some of Australia’s …

Open Mic Comedy - Adelaide

The Open Mic Comedy Rooms in Adelaide

(Updated November 24, 2024) Adelaide has a small number of open mic comedy rooms, but new rooms open up regularly, and newbies are strutting the boards weekly. Here’s a current list, which also includes those that are curated: MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS If you’re interested in becoming a Hard Knock Knocks graduate, be sure to join our …

070: Kim Le – Complex cognitive comedy

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 Adelaide comedian Kim Le is one of those annoying high achievers. A qualified psychiatrist, Kim is also a blackbelt, speaks multiple languages, is an awarded keynote speaker, and now he’s excelling in stand-up comedy. He’s also a graduate of the School of Hard Knock Knocks and was the middle bracket at the most recent Adelaide graduation, alongside Glynn Nicholas …