Learn stand-up comedy in Sydney WITH Al Del Bene
July 10 – 14, 2022
The Beacham,

Learn stand-up comedy in Sydney over 5-evenings from Sunday to Thursday, 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm, from July 10 to 14, 2022. You’ll get the SHKK comedy manual, our complementary online course, video of your graduating performance, professional headshots for future marketing, and loads of one-on-one coaching from our resident comedy coach, Marty Bright, our returning alumna, Anabela Figueiredo, and guest comedy coach, US comedian Al Del Bene.
Student and Concession – $500 + GST
Early Bird – $600 + GST (before June 26 only)
Bring-a-Mate-Rate – $900 + GST (2 people)
Full Fee – $800 + GST
Pre-Course: Online course access
Access the entire Hard Knock Knocks stand-up comedy curriculum ahead of the face-to-face course via your phone or PC. Narrated by the legendary comedian Greg Fleet, this online course includes videos examples, audio advice, activities and feedback to ensure you don't feel like a noob on day one. Learn more by clicking here.
Day 1: Sunday - The Basics, Finding Yourself, Joke Structure and Preparation
Get introduced to the basics of stand-up comedy and the jargon of the comedic industry before jumping into the deep end with your very own mini comedy set. Then, it's time to learn the 'Normal-Normal-Twist' technique, and developing your own original jokes, before trialling them on stage and giving them a polish.
Day 2: Monday - Generating Content and Building Confidence
Learn to gauge your audience and how to recognise and manage taboo topics while learning confidence building/fear smashing techniques. You’ll also get input on your set from our guest comedian, Al. Del Bene, meet the other SHKK alumni and develop more of your original material.
Day 3: Tuesday - Delivery and Controlling a Room
Learn to write a strong open to your comedy set. Tonight students will also have the opportunity to refine some of their own writing, and learn about the open mic circuit, the Australian comedy festivals, such as Adelaide Fringe and Melbourne International Comedy Festivals, as well as life after graduation, with a visit from our returning alumna, Anabela Figueiredo.
Day 4: Wednesday - The Close, Graduation Preparation and Photo Headshots

Students receive portrait head and body shots.
Closing your set strong is this night's goal, as well as putting the extra polish on tomorrow night's graduation performance. You'll also model for professional headshots, that are vital for comedy event posters or even acting jobs!
Day 5: Thursday - Graduation Night and Performance
The moment you have been working toward! Perform your stand-up comedy routine in front of family and friends, conquer your fears and perform alongside three professional stand-up comedians. Watch previous graduation videos by clicking here.
Not only will you learn stand-up comedy in Melbourne, but you'll also get the opportunity to perform at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and Sydney Fringe Festival as part of ‘The Best Of’ show, produced every year. Be part of a life changing experience AND get paid for the privilege!
Meet Your Comedy Coaches
Marty Bright - Resident Comedy Coach

Al Del Bene - Celebrity Guest Comedian
L.A. Comedy Awards’ Comedian of The Year, Al Del Bene started doing comedy in Boston at the age of 18. Upon moving to NYC, he quickly became a staple of the underground comedy scene there. After bleeding NY dry of every last joke about how miserable living there made him, Al moved to sunny L.A., where he was a regular at The World Famous Laugh Factory on the Sunset Strip. He's our guest comedian and will be performing at the graduation.
Anabela Figueiredo – Returning Alumna

Start your comedy journey today.
We are available to chat, any day of the week, via the chat button below or phone. Otherwise, we are contactable by email.
We currently hold workshops in the following capital cities:
Brisbane (Coming soon!)