The Hard Knock Knocks comedy podcast series delves into the lives of stand-up comedians from Australia and around the world, finding out what makes them tick, and how they turned a dream into a hobby, and a hobby into a profession.
And comedy podcast hosts, Morry Morgan and Steve Davis, don’t shy away from asking tough, personal questions. You’ll hear how tragedy, addiction, serendipity, as well as sheer determination, turned novice nobodies into confident and famous comedians.
Interviewees include Urzila Carlson, The Onion's Scott Dikkers, Steve Hughes, and Matt Okine, just to name a few. And many of the interviewees are also comedy coaches for the Hard Knock Knocks.
Start your journey into comedy today.
We are available to chat via phone or online any day of the week.
Or, if you'd like to email us, use the form on the left.
We currently hold workshops in the following capital cities:
Brisbane (Coming soon!)