Why do stand-up comedy clubs have red curtains and brick walls

Why do stand-up comedy clubs have red curtains and brick walls?

Google the term ‘stand-up comedy clubs’ and you’ll be presented with images of comedians in front of red curtains and brick walls. But why? Why are these backdrops so ubiquitous with the comedy industry? Quite simply, it’s the combination of utility and humble beginnings. Red Curtains Stand-up comedy originates from the stages of Vaudeville. Borrowed from the French and modified …

Jimmy Carr Comedian

How to deal with a heckler

Parking inspectors and comedians have one thing in common – abuse from the general public. No matter how good your jokes, no matter how many friends you have in the audience, one day you will have to deal with a heckler. Hecklers fall into two categories – they criticise your joke, or they get personal, and criticise you. But be …