Is This Thing On? The School of Hard Knock Knocks

Community funds comedy drama about learning stand-up

One part comedy, one part drama, and one part documentary, the Hard Knock Knocks comedy school has launched episode one and two of ‘Is This Thing On?‘, a show about learning stand-up comedy. The brainchild of the Hard Knock Knocks Comedy School co-founder, Morry Morgan, and partly funded by the Hard Knock Knocks alumni, this six-part, 30-minute TV show transforms …

050: Glynn Nicholas – And it all began in Adelaide

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This is not your usual Hard Knock Knocks podcast.  This episode was recorded live at the Adelaide Podcast Festival, within the greater Adelaide Festival, and in front of a live audience. And keeping in theme, I kept things local by bringing in my old friend and Adelaide artist, Luke Lombe, and comedian and national treasure, Glynn Nicholas. Few know that …

Laughter to make Australians more resilient

Never has there been more important time to laugh. News and social media are bombarding us with doomsday predictions, nuclear annihilation, and societal chaos. Not that the kids have noticed. The average kid between 3 and 6 will laugh around 400 to 600 time’s a day, whereas their ‘miserable’ parents only chuckle between 12 to 15 times. It’s not surprising …