How do you book a stand-up comedian?

How do you book a stand-up comedian?

If you work for a pub, sports club, RSL or events company then you how difficult it can be to book a stand-up comedian. Searching for suitable comedian, and then coordinating schedules is difficult enough if you’re working with someone famous, like Jeff Green, Bev Killick or Lehmo. But what if your budget only allows for a mid-level comedian. That’s …

Richard Stubbs - Comedy Poster

Photographic headshots now included in stand-up comedy course

Since January 2021, stand-up comedy students at the School of Hard Knock Knocks will each receive a photography package as part of the standard comedy course. Photographer and former graduate of the School of Hard Knock Knocks, Adam Sparnon, has been shooting headshots and body shot photos at each course which are vital for comedy posters, particularly with the comedy …

Funny Leader sticker on pole

5 Reasons Comedy Can Make You a Better Leader

“YES, AND…” is the rule-of-thumb response in improv comedy. It’s also a great way to lead. The ‘yes’ immediately encourages the acceptance of the contributions added by others, rather than shutting down the views of others, and the ‘and’ opens the contribution for further positive refinement. The words ‘no’ and ‘but’ are the polar opposites. Listening to others is a valuable leadership skill. Comedy can …